Host a Course

Are you running a doggy empire or saving pups left and right?

Hosting a course has never been simpler! You provide the venue and the crowd, we bring the expertise and the certificates.

Make some extra bones and boost your business or charity spotlight while treating your customers to something special.

Our Dog First Aid Courses are the real deal! Fully legit under The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, and given the thumbs-up by top-notch our vets. Our course content is as fresh as a just-groomed pup, constantly getting spruced up. We’re not just here to teach you how to be a doggie lifesaver, but to pump you up with the courage to rock those skills in any hairy situation life throws your way! Ready to be your fur baby's hero?

Dog First Aid Staff Member on the Phone

Our courses are top-notch accredited, so we dance to the beat of some pretty strict rules. That's why we keep our classes cozy, with 12 eager learners per instructor. No overcrowded classrooms here - max 24 students with a dynamic duo of instructors.

If you're feeling like just another number in the system, you might be in a rogue course that's not playing by the rules. And hey, your qualification might end up as useful as a chocolate teapot!

Dog licking its lips close up to the camera

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